BTA30-Firmware downloadFiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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Reply:14 Read:27214   2021-05-17 17:35:07

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the Open source licenses.

How to upgrade the BTA30:Click here

Updated at 2021-11-26

V1.12beta Firmware download link: Click here

Updated at 2021-01-13
BTA30 FW1.1 firmware download: click here (Backup link: Click here)

The following changes and improvements have been made in the new firmware:
1. Fixed the issue where the reconnection may fail or cause a system freeze in TX mode; 
2. Fixed the issue where a pop sound would occur when starting to play in RX/DAC mode.
3. Fixed the sound dropping out issue when connected to the computer via Bluetooth in RX mode;
4. Fixed the sound dropping out issue when input via SDPIF in DAC mode;
5. Miscellaneous bug fixes.

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