Intellectual Property Rights StatementFiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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1. General

FiiO has always attached great importance to IPR protection and abided by Chinese IPR laws, regulations and binding regulatory documents.

All information on the Website, including but not limited to, the entire content of all trademarks, identifiers, business name and logo, texts, images, audios, videos, and programs used on the Website. The site layout, web design, site architecture and data editing, software or program used, and intellectual property rights are all independently owned by FiiO or co-owned with legal right holders concerning the related content.

Unless otherwise provided by law, without written authorization from FiiO, no one shall be allowed to reproduce, edit, distribute, assemble, modify, download, imitate, copy, republish, mirror, reverse engineer, or decompile or disassemble any content of copyright and other intellectual property rights owned by FiiO in any form, or else will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law by FiiO.

The reprint of web content on the Website by any third party within the limits of fair use must be indicated the source of reprint, author, links, and FiiO copyright symbol (if any) may not removed, otherwise FiiO reserves the right to pursue its legal responsibilities.

2. Notice of infringement and counter notification

According to Chinese laws, regulations and requirements of normative documents, FiiO developed measures and steps aimed at the protection of the legitimate interests of right holders, specifically as follows:

2.1 Notice of infringement

If the right holders claim that the content or links provided by third parties on the Website can be possibly in violation of their legitimate rights and interests, they may file a notice of infringement with FiiO, which shall contain the following:

a) Specific information of right holders, including the name, address, email, phone number, copy of a valid identity document (such as the identity cards, passports, business licenses).

b) The name of infringement content required to be removed and network address of links required to be unlinked.

c) Initial evidence of infringement, including but not limited to the ownership documents that can prove the right holders' legal right of the alleged infringement and descriptions about the infringement facts.

The notice of infringement must be signed by the right holder or an authorized person. In case the right holder is legal person or other units, offical seal is required.

The right holder shall be responsible for the authenticity of his notice, and assume full legal responsibility arising therefrom.

After receipt of such notice by FiiO, a formal examination shall be done during a reasonable period of time, e.g. about whether the notice meets the above requirements. FiiO will remove the alleged infringement content or disconnect the allegedly infringing link in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. At the same time, FiiO has the right to require the right holder to provide further evidence for the purpose of review, which the right holder should cooperate with.

While FiiO legally deletes the content of complaint or disconnects the link, it has the right to transfer the notice of infringement to the content or link provider; if as a result of unkonown address the notice cannot be transferred, FiiO will publish the notice of infringement through Internet.

2.2 Counter notification

The content or link providers can file a counter notification in writing with FiiO requesting recovery of deleted content or broken links within 3 working days after receipt of the notice of infringement transferred by FiiO or having learned it through Internet, provided that they think their offered content or links did not violate the rights of others.

The counter notification shall include the following:

a) Specific information of content or link providers, including the name, address, telephone number, a valid identity document (such as the identity cards, passports, and business licenses).

b) The exact name and network address corresponding to the content or links required to be restored.

c) Initial evidence of non-infringement, including but not limited to the ownership documents that can prove their legal rights to the allegedly infringing content or links, and descriptions of non-infringement facts.

The counter notification shall be signed by the right holder or a legally authorized person, and an official seal needs to be affixed for a unit. 

The service object shall be responsible for the authenticity of the counter notification, and assume full legal responsibility arising therefrom.

After receiving the counter notification submitted by the content or link providers, a formal examination shall be done during a reasonable period of time, and if the counter notification meets the above requirements, FiiO will immediately restore the deleted content or broken links, while tranferring the counter notification to the right holders. The right holders shall not notify FiiO again of deleting the content, or disconnecting the links.

2.3 Submission of notice of infringement and counter notification

The notice of infringement and counter notification shall be filed with FiiO through the following way:

To send the scanning copy to:

The deletion or restoration of content and disconnection or reconnecting of links are conducted by FiiO in accordance with laws, for which FiiO does not undertake any responsibility.

Within the scope permitted by law, the final interpretation of this Statement is owned by FiiO.

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