Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the Open source licenses.
M3K complete user manual: click here
How to upgrade the M3K: click here
M3K DAC driver download: click here
M3K-FW1.4.5 firmware download:Click here (Backup link:Click here)
The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.4.5 compared to the FW1.4.3 on M3K:
1. Fixed the issue where the system would be stuck at the Welcome page after the device turned on.
2. Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
M3K-FW1.4.3 firmware download: Click here
The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.4.3 compared to the FW1.3.0 on M3K:
1. Added a new "Cover display" setting item under the Play Settings to control whether the Playback screen and Lock screen will display the Album cover or not.
2. Added a new "Lyrics display" setting item under the Play Settings to control whether the lyrics are displayed in the Playback screen.
3. Added the "Replay gain" setting item under the Play Settings to turn on/off the replay gain function.
4. Added a new "file name display" setting item under the System Settings to switch between title/file name display.
5. Added "All Songs" under Category -> Artist, which brings together all the songs of the selected artists.
6. Fixed issue where the M3K may restart automatically when playing a particular type of tracks.
7. Fixed issue where holding the Return key would take effect even when screen is locked.
8. Improved the system stability
M3K-FW1.3.0 firmware download: Click here
The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.3.0 compared to the FW1.2.2:
1. Added 3 custom EQ options;
2. Added a confirm dialog for powering off when holding the power button;
3. Fixed issue where the player might restart automatically when updating the media library;
4. Improved the effect of the EQ presets;
5. Fixed issue where certain tracks could not be added to the Favorites list or removed from it;
6. Fixed issue where some tracks could not be played or the title was displayed incorrectly;
7. Fixed issue where the player might fail to find the tracks after ejecting and re-inserting the SD card;
8. Fixed issue where the audio would not sync with the displayed progress after playing a DSD track and rewinding to 00:00;
9. Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
M3K-FW1.2.1 firmware download: click here.
The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.2.1 compared tothe FW1.0.5 on M3K:
1.Added "Recording quality" option (High and low) under System settings;
2.Added "Button light" option (under System setting) to adjust the brightness of buttons or turn off button light;
3.Added "Theme" option and a brand new "Theme 2" (under System settings -> Theme -> Theme 1/Theme 2), with some UI changes inTheme 1;
4.Fixed issue where the mono songs could not be played;
5.Fixed issue where the folder cover could not be displayed;
6.Fixed issue where some lyrics could not be displayed normally;
7.Fixed issue where some tracks could not be sorted alphabetically;
8.Fixed issue where some MP3 tracks might cause the auto reboot issue on theplayer;
9.Miscellaneousimprovements and bug fixes.
Note: If the "Upgrade Failure" issue happens during the firmware upgrade process, you may first check if the firmware file you download is corrupted or not using the mini program "MD5 viewer".
1) Open the MD5 viewer;
2) Click "Browse", and select the firmware file M3K.fw, then click "Open", the current file MD5 checksume value will show up after a while;
3) Copy the provided MD5 value to the blank column below "Original file MD5 checksume value", then click "Verify". If it shows "NOT matched!", it means the firmware file is corrupted,please download the firmware file from the website again.
(If it show "Matched", it means the firmware file is correct, then please try to change another micro SD cardto upgrade the M3K again.)
The correct MD5value:71e9733894408848a741a9f191727446
M3K-FW1.0.5 firmware download: click here.
1. Fixed issue where there would be no sound output after reboot when 'Resume' function is set to ON;
2. Fixed issue where the display brightness was incorrect after waking up the screen if the 'Screen timeout' is set;
3. Fixed issue where the player might freeze or reboot automatically after certain operations;
4. Improved the power consumption under 'Idle standby' or 'Sleep' mode;
5. Improved issue where the micro SD card might not be read when waking up from 'Sleep' mode or starting playing after reboot;
6. Improved issue where some tracks were sorted incorrectly when visiting 'Browse files' or 'All songs';
7. Miscellaneous bug fixes.