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Reply:17 Read:17390   Thu Sep 28 17:20:24 CST 2023

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the Open source licenses.

Updated at 2023-12-13

KA13 v0.15 firmware and update instruction download: Click here

KA13 v0.15 firmware changes are as follows:

Optimize the pop sound produced on some mobile phones and computers after the chip is

powered off after playback is paused.

Updated at 2023-11-03

KA13 v0.12 firmware and update instruction download: Click here

KA13 v0.12 firmware changes are as follows:

Optimized the POP sound generated when switching, playing or pausing music.

Updated at 2023-9-28

KA13 v0.11 firmware and update instruction download: Click here or 

Firmware upgrade instructions-KA13 V0.11.zip

KA13 v0.11 firmware changes are as follows:

1. Modify the volume control mode so that the playback end and KA13 headphone

    amplifier end independently control the volume;

2. Optimize some mute timings and improve the problems of POP sound and noise

    when playing on certain mobile phones

3. Fixed the issue where the volume may go to max when pressing the volume


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