Fiio Music app not sorting the right way. FiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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Reply:4 Read:573   Tue Mar 21 04:48:52 CST 2023

Hello Fiio,

I use de Fiio music app 3.1.6 on Android 10 & 13, all my music is located on a NAS.

In 'Media Server' it won't sort de files by file number (01 - filename, 02 - filename etc), only alphabetic. When opening the album by 'albums', the same thing happens.

When opening a local stored (sd card) album by 'maps', the same thing happens. When opening a local album by pressing 'Album', the sorting follows the file numbers wich works.

The media server doesn't show the file numbers made in Windows.

Please put a 'Sort way' button in the app, like this forum also have. The 'Media server' option is useless now when playing albums.

4 times the same album:

1 = media server opened by 'Map'

2 = Local music opened by 'Album' (The right order how it must be)

3 = Windows version of the album

4 = Local music opened by 'Map'


4Replies Positive Reverse  GO!

FiiO Lin Lin Wan BBS elders 2023-03-24 15:00:40

Dear friend,

Thanks for the kind feedback. 

We will forward to the engineer and they we check whether they could improve about that.

Best regards

Pelut : 

M17 with Fiio Music V3.2.1 and the same problem.........

Where are the engineers? Two years to solve the problem.......

  2024-05-27 04:50:02
Maus FiiO fans 2023-05-08 02:15:56

Hello Fiio,

Is there any update about this problem? Still not working on a first class audio player.

FiiO Lin Lin Wan : 

Dear friend,

You could try to remove the ‘(’in front of the file name to see whether it helps currently. There is no better solution for this issue currently.

Best regards

  2023-05-08 10:05:51