Q5s-Firmware downloadFiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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Reply:18 Read:10036   Mon May 17 17:39:36 CST 2021

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the Open source licenses.

!!!Please do not update this firmware if you are using 

the Q5s Type-C.

Download link:

V0.39 download link: Click here

Upgrade tool link: Click here

Instruction of upgrading the firmware:

PDF version: Click here

Video version: https://youtu.be/fT4Fw-NyjNU

If you still update this firmware to Q5s-TC by mistake, please try to update this firmware for your Q5s TC to check again: 

Click here

You could update this firmware following the instruction of updating the Q5s.

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