EH3NC-Firmware downloadFiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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Reply:0 Read:4779   2021-05-17 17:32:30

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the Open source licenses.

How to update the firmware for EH3NC: Click here

Updated at 2020-05-27
EH3NC FW1.8:    Click here (Backup link:Click here)

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.8:
1. Added a new function of renaming the Bluetooth device in FiiO Music App and FiiO Control App. 
2. Improved the adaptability between iOS and FiiO Control App.

EH3NC FW1.6:    Click here

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.6: 

1. Improved the Bluetooth reception performance; 
2. Improved the compatibility with some Bluetooth transmitters in the market; 
3. Fixed the prompt sound of power on/off to power on/off.

EH3NC FW1.4:    Click here

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.4: 
1. Improved the volume adjustment curve, solved the issue of excessive volume adjustment span;
2. Improved the power indicator to make the battery indicator of the headphones and mobile phone more 

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