LC-BT2-Firmware downloadFiiO Community| FiiO forum| FiiO product official communication platform

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Reply:0 Read:4763   2021-05-17 17:27:54

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the  Open source licenses.

How to update the firmware for LC-BT2: Click here 

Updated at 2020-11-20

LC-BT2 FW1.4: Click here

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.4:

1. Added setting button operation modes and channel balance via app (the recent version of FiiO Control app is required for using this function);

2. Added holding the volume buttons to continuously adjust volume (available when the button operation mode is NOT set to "Hold volume buttons to skip tracks");

3. Fixed the issue where the beginning of the playback sound might be missing when connected to the computer via Bluetooth;

4. Increased the volume adjustment range for phone calls (up to 0dB, adjusted via app);

5. Miscellaneous bug fixes

Updated at 2020-10-20

LC-BT2 FW1.3: Click here

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.3:

1. Added a new function of adjusting banlance for left and right channel;  
2. Improved the support for new app

Updated at 2020-05-27
LC-BT2 FW1.2:    Click here

The following changes and improvements have been made to the FW1.2:

1. Added a new function of renaming the Bluetooth device. (FiiO Control App->Setting menu->Custom device name)
2. Changed the time to press the Power button for 2 seconds to turn off the device.
3. Fixed the issue where the device would fail to enter playing state when connected to computers/adapters through HFP, and thus led to unsuccessful audio output after entering standby mode. 
4. Fixed the issue where voices could not be heard under phone calls when there was another call.
5. Fixed the issue where the EQ was invalid after certain operations under the USB DAC mode. 
6. Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.

For Android users, search “FiiO Control” in any application market to download it. Or directly download this APK files and then copy it to FiiO players or cell phones: Click to download

For iOS users, search “FiiO Control” in App Store to download it.

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