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Reply:3 Read:9296   Mon May 17 17:16:46 CST 2021

Note: When you click the links below to download the firmware, it indicates that you have already read and agreed to the  Open source licenses.

How to update the FiiO Music app on  X5III/X7/X7MKII:

a. Set the player to storage mode and connect to computer, drag the downloaded FiiO Music (.apk) to the internal storage of your player. 
b. Disconnect the connection and enter ES file manager, find the FiiO Music app in internal_sd and click install.

The FiiO Music App download link:Click here

How to upgrade the X7MKII firmware: Click here

X7MKII FW1.1.0 firmware dowload: Click here

The following changes and improvements have beenmade to the FW1.1.0 compared to the FW1.0.9 on X7MKII:
1.Added FiiO Link control via WiFi (now for the Android app, you can choose to connect and control  FiiO devices via WiFi or Bluetooth; for the iOS app, it's only available via WiFi);
2.Fixed issue where the player would stop playing in Line out/Coaxial out mode if the screen is off;
3.Fixed issue where the Idle poweroff timer would still take effect when using USB Audio output;
4.Fixed issue where the change of the Theme setting would not be saved if using user-defined images;
5.Fixed issue where the audio was distorted when playing FLAC 192k tracks through DLNA;
6.Fixed issue where the 'Skip through folders' function might work abnormally when 'Resume play' was  enabled;
7.Improved issue where some characters of the track info were displayed incorrectly;
8.Miscellaneous bug fixes.

X7MKII FW1.0.9 firmware dowload: Click here

The following changes and improvements have beenmade to the FW1.0.9 compared to the FW1.0.8 on X7MKII:

1. Added new function of adding M3U playlists to the internal playlists (after entering an M3U playlist in the Folder View menu, tap the icon next to the "more functions" icon to use this function)
2. Added new function of importing/exporting playlists (importing/exporting folder location: "internal storage/Android/data/com.fiio.music/files/playlist"; you can back up this folder after exporting the playlists, and copy it back if you need to import the playlists);
3. Improved the display of the search results. Now they will be grouped by Single tracks, Artists, Albums and Genres. And the input board will emerge automatically after tapping the search box;
4. Improved the FiiO Link function;
5. Fixed issue where there might be no output after switching songs automatically while in USB Audio output mode with the screen off;
6. Fixed issue where there might be no output after switching to a third-party app while playing local music;
7. Fixed issue where there would be noise when playing DXD tracks;
8. Fixed issue where the image in the FiiO Music launch page is out of shape;
9. Fixed issue where the player might act slow when waking up the screen if the Lock-scren album art is on and after multiple track switches;
10. Fixed issue where FiiO Music might exit abnormally after certain operations;
11. Miscellaneous improvements.

Note: It is required to install the old version FiiO Music app if you want to use ViPER Effect. You could uninstall the present version app firstly, and download the apk file of the old version, copy it to the player, and then install it through ES File Explorer. 
How to uninstall the present version: Go to "Settings -> About device-> Kernel version", and continually tap "Kernel version" until there is the prompt to uninstall FiiO Music app. Then please reboot the device to complete the uninstallation of this app.

Here is the download link about the old version FiiO Music app(v3.4.3): click here.

X7MKII FW1.0.8 firmware dowload: Click here

In order to bring continuous updates and improvements to the software of the X-series players, we've replaced the FiiO Music app with the new generic market version and also changed the X-series firmware to be more compatible with it. Some old features of the X-series that don't fit with the new design are hence removed. However, we will keep improving the new app and evaluate the possibility of re-adding these features (or improved features) in the future. 

The following changes and improvements have beenmade to the FW1.0.8 compared to the FW1.0.7 on X7MKII:

1. Added support for external M3U playlists;
2. Added "Return to main menu" option in Now Playing menu (tap the "More functions" icon at the upper right corner to select);
3. Added track info display in Now Playing menu (click the album art display area to switch between album art, lyrics and track info display);
4. Added Max volume and Fixed volume setting (can be set in System settings -> Audio settings);
5. Added sorting functions to Playlists menu (tap the "More functions" icon at the upper right corner to select the sorting method);
6. Added cue splitting for DSD tracks;
7. Added cue splitting for multiple tracks within a single cue sheet;
8. Fixed issue where the SD cards could not be selected as save location when using WiFi Song Transfer;
9. Fixed issue where the DSD tracks could not be played properly when output via Bluetooth;
10. Fixed issue where exceptions might occur when playing via DLNA;
11. Fixed issue where the DSD 256 tracks could not be played properly;
12. Fixed issue where the adjustment of some frequency bands in EQ settings could not be remembered;
13. Fixed issue where the display in EQ setting would not refresh after a reset;
14. Improved the sorting by file name;
15. Improved the icon tapping recognition in some pages of FiiO Music;

X7MKII FW1.0.7 firmware dowload: Click here

The following changes and improvements have beenmade to the FW1.0.7 compared to the FW1.0.6 on X7MKII:

New features for FiiO Music:
1. Brand new interface and changeable themes;
2. Supports FiiO Link;
(The FiiO Music app on your Android phone should be upated to v1.0.7(click here) or above, if you want to use the FiiO Link function;
Here is the tutorial of FiiO Link function: click here)
3. Supports HWA transmission;
4. Supports ISO tracks in DST codec (single DSD tracks in DST codec are currently unsupported)
5. Supports Replay Gain;
6. Supports WiFi song transfer.

Improvements on system:
1. Added gesture support; (It can work better with the new FiiO Music app. If you prefer the old navigation bar control, you can set it in Settings -> Display -> Enable Bottom Navigation bar)

2. Added AirPlay receiver function; (It can be enabled in the pull-down menu or in Settings -> Audio settings.)
If the network connection cuts out automatically during use, you may try to set the 'Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep' option to 'Always' (go to Setting -> WiFi -> tap the more functions icon -> Advanced).
Here is the tutorial about AirPlay function: Click here

3. Fixed issue where the player would pause automatically if it's connected with a RM1 and when the RM1 entered sleep mode;

Update your player right now and discover more new features!


1. The support for the old version of FiiO Music app will be discontinued. And this new version will be updated in accordance with the standalone version (available in Google Play).

2. The agreement of cooperation between FiiO and ViPER's Audio has expired, so we're afraid that the new version of FiiO Music will no longer have the embedded ViPER Effect plugin. However, we've been working hard on the dynamic EQ and will try our best to develop more audio effects.

If you have purchased the ViPER Effects and would like to continue using it, you may download the apk file of the old version, copy it to the player, and then install it through ES File Explorer (this will overwrite the new version). If you have any other questions, please kindly contact us (email: support@fiio.com, Facebook: FiiOAudio).

(We've changed the database structure of FiiO music, so the player will transfer data from the old database to the new one during update. And in order to prevent errors, the player will scan the music lists during the transfer and remove the tracks that are not found in the storage. So please remember to insert the SD cards to the correct slot before updating the player, so to ensure that the lists are transferred entirely. )

Download link for the FiiO Music old version (apk): Click here

And finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to many of our users who have provided us with valuable feedback and suggestions during beta tests to help us keep improving the software. Thank you and enjoy the music!

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